Don’t Forget to Look Up!
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Don’t Forget to Look Up!

Are you someone on a mission, head down, determined to conquer the world? So focused on getting things done that you barely take time to look around? You might have your head buried, always looking down, never up. Some would say you're too busy to "smell the roses." I can relate—I’m often so wrapped up in completing a task that I don’t take a moment to pause. With a million things to juggle, can you relate too? Wearing so many hats that sometimes you don’t even know which one you’ve got on?

I’ve been there—driven to finish one project after another. Whether it’s powering through a workout, rushing through an errand, or tackling the next item on my to-do list, I can get laser-focused, oblivious to what’s around me. But a recent scuba diving trip with my husband got me thinking differently. He’s more laid-back while I’m high energy, always on the hunt for that special discovery: a unique fish, a sea turtle, a moray eel, or maybe even an octopus.

Like many divers, I thought the deeper I went, the more exciting the discoveries would be. If 40 feet is good, 60 must be better, right? But, interestingly, it’s not always the deep water that holds the greatest treasures. The dive masters often remind us to "look up" because the most fascinating sights are often in the shallows, just under 30 feet. And you know what? They’re right. When we pause and look up instead of constantly pushing deeper, we spot the most breathtaking marine life—right there in the shallow waters.

This lesson came back to me when I was swimming one day. Typically, I’d keep my head down to swim faster, but something told me to look up. And there it was—a sea turtle, gliding by. Had I not looked up, I would have missed it. I’ve also seen tarpon and a massive tuna swim within arm’s reach, all because I took a moment to break the habit and look up.

Defying Fear Principle: Don't Forget to Look Up!

The same principle applies to running and life in general. I encourage the people I coach to look up, to take in their surroundings. When you look up, God can speak to you, show you something new, or teach you an unexpected lesson. His creation is magnificent, a reminder that He is in control. By slowing down and enjoying the moment, we can experience His blessings all around us.

So, how much do we miss when we don’t take the time to look up? What beauty, what blessings, what divine encounters pass us by when we’re too focused on what’s next? Sometimes, the simple act of looking up is all we need to see God’s glory and feel His presence.

What worries, fears, or doubts are holding you back? What blessings are you missing by not looking up? Let go of the “what ifs”—the fear of the unknown, the doubts, the anxiety—and simply lift your eyes. Look beyond yourself, beyond your problems and distractions, and see what God has been waiting to show you all along.

Defying Fear Verse: Psalm 121:1-2

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth."