
Are You Wasting Energy?
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Are You Wasting Energy?

If you know me, you know I really struggle with open-water swimming. I didn’t learn how to swim until I was in my fifties, and it’s definitely more of a mental challenge than a physical one for me. I get so nervous swimming, especially when I start thinking about all the things that could go wrong and what others might think of me. Do I look foolish? Am I breathing correctly? Will my swim cap stay on? Will I encounter a fish—or worse, a snake? Will a boat hit me? Will I get a cramp? Will I run into a dock? Will the water be too cold or too hot? Will my goggles fog up, leaving me unable to see?

I get caught up in these "what ifs" and end up wasting so much energy. A skilled swimmer can cover the same distance and barely feel like they've had a workout, but as a new or inexperienced swimmer, I waste energy, get nowhere, and end up exhausted. I'm not in any rhythm, and my arms and legs flail around, not contributing to the task at hand—reaching the finish.

In life, I sometimes feel like I’m mentally flailing around as if I’m drowning, wasting energy on worries and things I can’t control. Then I finally remember that God is in control, and I just need to do the next right thing that I know to do. Once I get back in the groove, I’m able to move forward with more direction and less wasted energy. One stroke at a time, one breath at a time—inhale, exhale—until I find my pattern. I stop thinking about all the "what ifs" and just focus on what I need to do in the moment, just like I have to do in real life. Do the next thing. Whatever that is for you—maybe taking deep breaths, making a phone call, folding laundry, or simply sitting still with God. Just keep moving forward.

When I was going through my divorce, I had no idea how I was going to get through each day, but I kept the faith, kept breathing, and took the next step. I pray you keep taking your next step, whether it’s to be still, breathe, and focus on God, or to calm down with a walk or by folding laundry. 

Sometimes the next step is to work out. For me, when I feel stressed and overwhelmed by everything I need to do, I take the time to connect with God and work out. But sometimes it starts with just sitting down and breathing. Working out helps me lower my stress and regain focus. And guess what? When I take time out to take care of myself, as God wants us to do, I end up being so much more productive. Just like with my swimming—once I calm down, I find my rhythm and flow. I’m not wasting my energy.

Have you ever seen good swimmers? They almost look like they aren’t moving their bodies, but they’re flying through the water. I’m not there yet, but I can tell you that when I’m calm and stop fighting my fears, I use so much less energy. I may look like I’m moving less, but I’m actually making more progress. I don’t look like I’m struggling, and I’m so much more efficient.

Defying Fear Principle: “What ifs” waste energy.

Stop trying to control life. Just take the next right step, whatever that is. God will come alongside you and bless you for your faithfulness.

Defying Fear Verse: Isaiah 41:10

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

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