Mastering Your Health & Happiness Coaching
Dive deep and truly master your health and happiness for the entirety of your lifetime. Dr. Nancy will work with you for a personalized approach, using her special coaching prompts, exercises, activities, tools, and tips. You will learn to live out the life you want and one you will love, maintaining contagious joy until your final breath! Invest in yourself—you ARE worth it!
13 Session Package -- $1,950
18 Session Package -- $2,700
Coaching Fees: $150 per 45-minute coaching session
*Can be tailored for individuals, small groups, or as part of a coached mastermind series.
Mission Statement
My mission is to remind people of their tremendous value, and to let them know they are loved and cherished. Fear won’t go away, but when we refuse to give up and live courageously despite our anxiety, we can overcome anything!
Book Now For Coaching!
Book Dr. Nancy Meyer as a speaker for your event by filling out the information below!